Researcher Says Prepare Now for Devastating Weather – Huge Storm Systems Through the U.S. Central and South America

weather-storms-planetX-disasterResearcher Says Prepare Now for Devastating Weather.

Huge Storm Systems Through the U.S., Central and South America.

Severe weather in the form of tornadoes is not something people expect on Christmas week but a storm system on Dec. 23 brought tornadoes to Mississippi, Georgia and Louisiana. As the storm moved, NASA’s RapidScat captured data on winds while NOAA’s GOES satellite tracked the movement of the system.NASA’s RapidScat instrument flies aboard the International Space Station and captured a look at some of the high winds from the storms that brought severe weather to the U.S. Gulf Coast on Dec. 23.In addition, an animation of images from NOAA’s GOES-East satellite showed the movement of those storms and other weather systems from Canada to South America from Dec. 21 to 24.

RapidScat spotted high winds in the Gulf of Mexico while Mississippi was experiencing tornadoes late on Dec. 23. One image RapidScat captured was on Dec. 23 at 1800 UTC (12 p.m. CST) that showed winds as fast as 30 meters per second/67.1 mph/108 kph off the southeastern coast of Texas. As the storm system moved east, on Dec. 24 at 02:00 UTC (Dec. 23 at 8 p.m. CST) RapidScat clocked sustained surface winds of the same strength near south central Louisiana and east of Mobile Bay, Alabama.

In the video below we hope to shed some light on some extreme weather events that have made the news and yet the ‘whole’ story was not told in order to keep the public from connecting the dots to the ongoing Polar Shift and ultimately Nibiru Planet X.

Many people have been wondering why the presence of the Nibiru Planet X planetary complex would be kept from the public’s awareness, this is done for the purpose of control.

The Powers That Be fear what the public’s reaction will be to the news that not only is there a large planet in our solar system but that it has been here for at least TEN years and is responsible for not only ‘Global Warming’, but ‘Climate Change’ as well.


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